Ready for a little spring cleaning for your mind, heart, & habits?

April 30 - May 4, 2024

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You know what SHOULDN'T be calling the shots in your life? Comparison. Avoidance. Perfectionism. Procrastination. Self doubt. Anxiety. Shame.

It's time to disrupt the shit out of some patterns, babe. And here's one particularly fantastic way of jump-starting that:


Whether you're ~back on your bullshit~ (I see you and I love you 😜), or just really freaking ready to expand to your next level— I GOT YOU.

By this August, you could have...

  • written the first draft of the book you've always wanted to write 📇
  • gone from business idea 💡 to making the first of many sales 💰
  • committed to a fitness routine that's made you stronger & more confident than you've been in years 💪
  • left a soul-sucking job or relationship for one that deeply values you 💖
  • transitioned to a plant-based diet that feels joyful, easy, and delicious 🥗🐷💞
  • gone from stressed AF over your debt/budget to having a solid plan for financial freedom 💸
  • taken up a new creative hobby that challenges you & lights you up 🔥
  • gone from zero to intermediate with a language you've always wanted to learn ✈️🌎
  • [insert your dream here]... the possibilities are limitless 🚀

If you want to get YOUR desired goals & habits on the fast track in the next 90 days while shifting your mindset to experience more presence, joy, and enough-ness NOW— sign up:

Throughout the challenge, I'll teach topics and strategies that will help you get out of the "how am I here again?" loop and into consistent, meaningful action toward the goals and habits YOU deeply desire.

For the first four days, you'll get an email and a new audio lesson dropped in a special private podcast feed just for the challenge. Each day will include a Doable-AF action step that you'll complete & share in the private challenge community. (It's not on Facebook 🤩 and each share gets you a prize entry!)

  • DAY ONE: Identify Covert Perfectionism & its Impact on Performance
  • DAY TWO: Embrace Imperfect Action & Follow the Data
  • DAY THREE: Set Human-Scaled Goals Rooted in Your Values
  • DAY FOUR: Stop Overthinking & Be Decisive AF

Then on Day Five, we'll go out with a 💥 in a LIVE 90-minute masterclass, where I'll be bringing BIG Party Energy, and you'll map out your next 90 days related to your top 1-2 goals or habits for the next quarter. ⬇️

We may be a third of the way through the 2024 at this point (HOW 🤪), but believe me— even if you're starting at ZERO with your desired goal/habit, this could ABSOLUTELY still be your best year yet for it. 

In this masterclass, we'll build on the strategies from Days 1-4 and I'll guide you through creating your custom action plan for your next 90 days to make your vision your REALITY. 🤩

This isn't one of those masterclasses where you'll feel inspired for the moment and then it quickly fades from your memory— this is time you'll spend DOING THE WORK to set up your next 90 days to shift the trajectory of your year (and even your whole friggin LIFE. 🚀)

    By the end of this 5-day challenge, you'll have cleared out some dusty-ass patterns and set yourself up with a REALISTIC PLAN to move into the rest of the year with fresh energy and strategies for shifting from intention ➡️ ACTION (without the burnout.)


    And I help high achievers honor their ambition and take consistent action toward their goals— without burning out or feeling like 💩 about themselves.

    I’ve been a therapist for 12 years and hold certifications from top-tier coach training programs including the High Performance Institute, Heroic, and the Quantum Coaching Academy.

    Let’s just say I’m a little obsessed with human psychology and behavior 😜 and I have discovered that the thing most of my clients need more of is a skill-set of Compassionate Self-Discipline, which is why I infuse it into EVERYTHING I do.

    I believe that it’s possible to live at the magical intersection of MORE, LESS, and ENOUGH: more joy, success, and vibrancy— less stress, chaos, and overwhelm— and believing that you ARE enough, HAVE enough, and are DOING enough. 🔥

    I’m also a huge fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, cats, glitter, fancy tea, vegan queso, and Scotland.